Hello Blogosphere...

So, I hold this gentle baby of a blog in my hands with tr epidation. For a long time I wondered if I ever would have anything to blog about. I suppose by starting my own blog, it's about catharsis, and finding motivation in 'publishing' something every day. Thanks to Keith Barraclough for talking me into doing this. I hope by posting photos with some words, I can keep thinking and coming up with new ideas. Hopefully, this blog won't be like the other journals I've kept in my life. I hope a year from now I'm still posting. This first photo is of a wounded veteran, Dan, holding a baby of a wounded Iraq War veteran. I met Dan during a dinner party held for the Achilles Track Club, organized to help wounded veterans (those who lost limbs inside or outside the battlefield) compete in athletic events. The next day, Dan, along with many others, competed in the Marine Corps Marathon. So obviously, this was a couple months back. I have some catching up to do. B...