On the Election...

So I am no pundit. Or expert. I’m barely a professional photographer. But I do have opinions. Of course you knew that. So let me point you to these photos: The first two are of the Republican Committee HQ in the City of Manassas. The second two are of the Democratic HQ, not two blocks away. See any differences? I mentioned in my previous post that I would be putting together a gallery of images I’ve been lucky enough to collect over the past year, and sure enough, here they are: http://www.johnboalphotography.com/election08 So read no further, if you simply want to see some images and get the hell outta here. But there are some interesting things to note about this election. First is the participation level of the supporters. The images I posted above, I think are a stark indication, not only of the tremendous energy, and organization put forth by the Democrats, and Obama supporters, but I also think it speaks to the lack thereof on the part of the GOP. Wh...