Dunk Contests and Gay Proms

I was sorting through my emails last Thursday, and a friend suggested we get together on Saturday, but this months I’m on a Tue.-Sat. schedule, and I had to decline. “I have to work. I’m shooting a dunk contest and a gay prom”, I typed as a response. I suppose there was a humor in the seemingly disparate assignments. But I was thoroughly psyched to be shooting both. I saw both of them as complete challenges to come up with something different in environments that can rapidly become very cliche. Proms? Please, it's like shooting a wedding reception, right? How many Macarena shots can you get at a prom? Don't think I didn't get my "save-your-ass-shot", though. How about setting up a crude 2-light studio, with gels, in a pitch dark basement, next to the punch table? It's a gay-friendly prom. I wanted to make it as much about the people as possible, and as little as possible about the dancing. Unfortunately, the paper saw it as a dance, and published 2 dance photo...