National Spelling Bee, in between moments...

It’s as I said in yesterday's post, when I was blogging from the event itself. Having only one kid to shoot is an incredibly liberating feeling. They go on stage, you focus on them for a bit, and then your eye wanders. A spelling bee is quite the collection of bookworms and (how do we say delicately?) slightly nerdy kids. All very nice, I presume, although I only had the opportunity to meet one of them. But despite any presumed nerdiness, they are still 11-13 year-olds. And sitting on stage for 2+ hours at a time, one can get bored, tired, or both. And many times they make funny faces, which I love as a photographer... Here are is a continuation of a collection of images I made at the Bee while I was waiting for the News & Messenger's sponsored girl (who would not advance, by the way, despite spelling her two words correctly--there are written tests that supplement the televised version, and these inevitably whittle down the 293 to 41 semifinalists). I find them to b...