A Fair Remembered

Get your tickets here! I was going to write about health care and misplaced outrage of these people at the TEA parties, but I won’t. I’m tired of thinking about it, and frankly, I have better pictures to show….of the fair. I love the fair. You can make an argument that it’s silly, expensive, and generally boring once you get past eating a corn dog and riding on the ferris wheel. This was my argument for not going to them for most of my life, other than when my parents took me to the NY state fair as a kid. Carnivals don’t count. They may seem similar but they aren’t. All the games you could ever want to play are here! But now that it’s my job to meet people and relate my experience with them visually to the rest of you, I love the fair. There isn’t a better spot to meet a more disparate population of people--in a good mood, mind you—in the country. Young, old, country, urban, they are all at the fair. Arm in arm at the fair. Incidentally, he had "LOVE" tatooed across bot...