Record company? I don't need no stinkin' record company...

Recently I had the privelege of photographing Brandon DeLaney, a local kid who's put some of his own stuff online, via Youtube, called "Imma Champion", in addition to the song(s) he has on iTunes. Just another example of why the music industry is in better shape than ever for the consumer. Not so much for the recording industry, mind you. But with people like this, the creative possibilities are endless. And this is from someone who records out of his tiny Manassas townhouse bedroom. This is why bands like Animal Collective and LCD Soundystem exist. Because record companies no longer hold sway over what we can record or purchase. Thank you technology. Because with you, artists like these can create, and people like me can blog about it. The problem of course, rests with sifting through all the crappy noise. As a musician or as a photographer that means distancing yourself from the competition. Somehow being able to brand yourself 'special' is worth it's weight...