Under the Lights: football in a better way

About 18 months ago, I had an idea to alleviate some of the awfulness of covering high school football for a small daily in Metro DC. What we were used to as photographers was going to 2, 3, and sometimes (if you’re REALLY lucky) 4 games, in order to come back with photos from the night’s action. Needless to say, getting good images is next to impossible when the only thing you’re worried about is getting a sharp picture as fast as possible of each team, and then leaving. And to boot, if you are shooting the “Game of the Week”, that might change on Sunday (yes, you read correctly, all these games will be published 2 days later, b/c our deadlines are at 730pm). The “game of the week” is basically an ad hoc reference to the game that turned out the best. You may even see a 3 column-inch photo in the paper! So I thought this year, to battle this insanity, we could focus on one game. We can’t put it in the next day’s paper anyway, so why not cover it top to bottom? Get really good art from...