My Year in Pictures 2010

So the year has finally drawn to a close. Happy belated New Year! Many things have happened since January. I think every piece of equipment I own needed replacing or fixing in 2010. So I can't exactly say I'm sad to see the new year arrive. As for the pictures, I've seen and done many things this year, attempting to take pictures the entire way. Here are some of my favorites...and what I learned... an SUV is your friend during Snowzilla... and keep looking for something different, you might find it... Sometimes when you go to an event, you have to decide to do things differently. I decided I would actually talk to the Iwo Jima Vets, and take good pictures of them, not pictures of them sitting and watching a podium: is your friend...and on the 20th try, the idea might work... I can't get too upset when pictures like this don't run, and instead they run a submitted snap...