Los Cerrillos, NM

About a month ago I went to Santa Fe, NM to attend the Photographic Workshops there. I took a Multimedia Storytelling class taught by Ami Vitale ( www.amivitale.com ). By the end of a hectic week I produced a piece, with my partner, Laura Feged, about Cerrillos, NM, told by a 94 year-old woman who was born and raised there. Click here to watch it on Vimeo The music in the piece, "Origami", is from Jake Schepps ( www.jakeschepps.com ). Please visit his website. He was totally generous in allowing us to use his music. He also plays for the Expedition Quartet. Mary was an incredible person to interview. As you might imagine, there is a bit of concern in driving to a dusty old town 30 minutes away to photograph and interview a 94 year-old woman whom I’d never met. What if she wasn’t interested? After all, she must be tired of talking to visitors and other Santa Fe Workshop folks who’ve drifted into and out of town every so often. But Laura and I walked into Mary’s Bar, and the...