77 years later, a Sailor remembered

A couple weeks back I went to an assignment that, frankly, didn't appear to have much potential. The Freedom Museum, located at the Manassas Regional Airport, had received a tub of personal items that belonged to a sailor from WWII. A reporter and myself were going to the museum to have a look. Certainly there might be something to write, even if it were a press release type of story, but photos? What could be in the tub other than an old uniform and some shoes?? What we found instead was a fascinating collection of belongings and we pieced together an interesting story. Carson F. Powell, a Wilmington, N.C. native, joined the Navy as a 17 year-old (with parental permission, of course) in 1939. He trained in Norfolk and then transferred to San Diego to begin serving on the USS Selfridge, a Destroyer that was in Pearl Harbor that fateful day in 1941. The ship escaped mostly unharmed, continuing to serve at Guadalcanal, and other Pacific battles. However, on Oct. 6, 1943, at the Battl...