Year in Review 2011

Yes, this is a year-in-review post. Yes, there are words and not just pictures. Scroll down to see the pictures and skip the words. This year was quite a year for me. A year of firsts. A year of much growth, professionally and personally, although on this blog, I generally post my thoughts as they pertain to my professional life. However this year brought such profound personal change, it'd be silly not to mention it. This was the year I learned (and co ntinue to learn about) multimedia storytelling. In December of 2010, I purchased a Canon 7D with the understanding of its importance, but not yet understanding how powerful it would be. At that point I had already started shooting my project about Ricky ( Live Fast, Ride Faster ). I've already blogged about that experience, here . However I was pleasantly pleased to see that my first true multimedia venture was recognized in a couple contests. 2nd place in the March Multimedia Contest of the National Press Photographers Associat...