Making the Most out of a Business Portrait

Not all assignments are created equal. Sometimes you get an assignment and all the right ingredients of light and moments are seemingly lined up for you just to push the button. And then there are the other 99% of assignments. These fall into the categories of awful to not-so-great. But there is opportunity in all of them. Many of them are portrait assignments. When I worked at The News & Messenger, I had my fair share. Sometimes they were destined to be dreadful. Horrible light, an unwilling subject combined with very little time. Recently I had the privilege of photographing Mike Infurnari for The Fairfax Times. He was just named the new Executive Director of the Foundation for Fairfax County Schools. I knew the setting would make the picture, but I did have time on my side. Thankfully, Mike told me he had "the whole morning open". To a photographer, this actually sounds like "you can take the whole morni...