Outtakes from a portrait assignment

A few weeks ago I applied for a staff position at the Boston Globe. I did not get it. Staff jobs, especially ones at greatly respected papers that win Pulitzers, are very hard to come by. However, they contacted me about freelancing for them in DC, which is the next best thing. You never know who is going to see your work and find a reason to get in touch. Then on Halloween I received a call from one of their photo editors (Yes, they have more than one!) about a portrait they needed that day in Washington. They were doing a story on millennials and their impact (or lack thereof) on the upcoming elections. The subject was a pleasant 18 year old intern at the Hart Senate Office bldg who happened to be from the Boston area. The assignment was fairly open ended. They had interviewed the student and had quotes to use, like this one: “If you ask any number of my friends, they don’t even know how to apply for an absentee ballot or that you even cou...