Shooting as a Generalist

I am a "generalist", as they say. In some circles this might be the kiss of death. Often the advice is to specialize and market the heck out that one thing you do really well. But as someone who cut their teeth as a photojournalist at community newspapers, I rapidly found that I enjoy doing different things. The mix helps keep me fresh, and engaged alowing me to always be thinking about how to do something better. Even though I consider myself a generalist, I do tilt toward the editorial and portrait world. So when I shoot other things like events, conferences, often I think about how I would shoot this if it were an assignment instead of a commissioned job for a corporate client. The dilemma as a generalist is keeping my portfolio up to date. So I'm always looking out for the moments that might work for the client and for my portfolio. Here are some of the best of those from the past couple months: ...during a video shoot. ...