No photos today. No pictures today for me to show. I found out three days ago that I won't be attending this year's Eddie Adams Workshop ( For those of you who know what that is, you know how much it sucks. Not getting in, that is. For those that don't: it's one of the preeminent photojournalism workshops for aspiring photojournalists, and it's tuition free. You have 3 shots at it. They take 100 people. If you don't get in in those 3 years, that's it. If you're accepted, then it's 4 days of an intense experience that is designed to get you connected to 99 others just like yourself, in addition to tons of industry professionals. That's what I've heard, because, of course, I've never been and won't be going this year for the 2nd year in a row. If I sound a little bitter, it's because I am. What drives me insane about this process is that, unlike most other application processes, you can actually l...