
some more stuff from a local county fair in Manassas. I tried out a remote strobe. And luckily I tried it when I was (mostly) goofing around to shoot a rodeo. I connected the transmitter and receiver to a strobe, and then when I tried attaching the second receiver, there was no charge. Doh! Good thing these things happen when it doesn't really count. So I had some trouble balancing the light, knowing where to be for the best light, and I realized quickly I needed a second strobe to really get some decent light. I got one ok pic from the rodeo, and it was on the last bull ride of the night. Good thing, b/c I was shooting for The Potomac News, and it would have been tough to come back from the rodeo without any bullriding pics.
I hope to see some wrestling tomorrow night, and hopefully I can get my remotes sorted out.
Also I couldn't shoot any 4x5 b/c it was too dark for the only film I have, ISO 100. So maybe I'll by some Ilford 400 tomorrow. This is all based on the assumption that I can get my couch upstairs to my condo...an entirely different story for later.
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