Just got some more film in...

Just an update on my pics from the Hip-Hop Soulfest. I'm still playing around with the crown graphic and coming up with enjoyable images. Not sure so much about how good they are, but I still like the look and feel of them. I also noticed when I go out looking for photos, I've started using a much wider perspective and actually "seeing" in a 4x5 sort of way. Maybe I'm using it too much. I don't know that anyone should be so wedded to a piece of equipment. But I just like how it forces me to be more cerebral about my pictures. I have to really visualize first, then shoot. I think, in the end, it will make me a better photographer with my 35mm DSLR.
It has become too "easy" to shoot with a digicam. It's too easy to be lazy. See nice light, shoot, peek, shoot again. Someone moves, motordrive... Instead, I've found myself watching a little more intently, and paying attention to exactly what I want out of a situation. Then I begin shooting, and I pay attention more to the spatial relationships of things in my frame. I know when I started learning it was easy to pick out a subject of interest and hone in on it like a missile. So much so that I ended up with a bunch of tight shots with my 70-200mm, and the pictures suffered from lack of context.
With a film camera like the Crown, however, you have to back away and see the scene. With my digicam, I've started using a 10-22mm much more often (with a cropped sensor, it's more like a 15-35) and tried to put frames together with more elements.
Digital cameras, for all their conveniences and contributions to steep learning curves have a drawback. It becomes too much of a crutch.
So cheers to more cerebral and less motordrive-generated images.
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