High School Football
I was planning on sharing some photos from the early goings-on of the two-a-days that signal the start of the high school football season and school year. I thought of shots of players pushing the sleds with coaches shouting the whole time. I thought recievers catching, quarterbacks throwing and running backs, well, running. You get the idea. And then today happened.

Today was a black flag day. Meaning no one could practice outside. I had a list of shots to get for the preview page for this particular school. No worries I could still grab a few headshots while they were lifting weights. Lo and behold, the 10 seconds I took to make pictures in teh entryway of the gym, are some of my favorites in the past few weeks. Some nice natural reflective light while we stood in the shade with a white door to frame their heads. But when I converted them to black and white to archive into our system, I couldn't help but linger over some of the pictures. They just look a little more classic and interesting than anything I was planning for.

Sometimes that's the magic of doing what I do. Sometimes a picture, often for reasons unknown, can spark an interest. And many times it's nothing more than the fact that the people look unmistakeably...human. They'd been lifting weights, and they have a slight air of intensity about them, but they are kids, and to me it looks as good as any football picture I could have come away with on the practice field.
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