(More) High School Football
I've now found something to focus on when I shoot football practice. The headshots. Once a throwaway 3 second moment, I'm now realizing, with just another half a moment to compose yourself, some pictures can look great. That I just wrote that last sentence embarasses me. This is what should separate professionals from the others. But sometimes it's very difficult to embrace making memorable photographs when you are in the throws of trying to wrangle 20+ kids from the football coach in their first week's practice. If you last more than 5 seconds with these kids, the annoyance factor rises exponentially between you and the coach. So generally speaking, headshots never were anything I focused on, until the other day (my last post), when I stumbled into a couple I liked.

Here are some more, with an action shot to boot. The one headshot is in color, because, well, his eyes were such a striking color, that monochrome didn't do it justice...for once...

Maybe he's the next great running back out of Stonewall Jackson. CJ Burns is only 15, though. The last 2 years have produced the Ryan Williams (SJ '08, and ACC Rookie of the Year @VaTech), and Damien Thigpen (UCLA).
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