A (delayed) reaction to body slams

Some of you who read this blog (I'm not sure who that is beyond my immediate family) may have thought a new post today would reflect on the DNC and the astounding (and bizarre) news of McCain's Veep running mate. But no! I will show and talk about wrestling. A few weeks back I blabbed about the fair(s) and how interesting they are. About 2 weeks back I had the rare priveleged opportunity to stand just feet from an american institution known as wrestling. And to say it's the "fake" kind is sort of doing it a disservice. While, yes, these "matches" were staged and pre-ordained, and no one was actually being choked to sleep, these performers were slamming into each other and off of 8 foot ladders and smashing through tables. That was real, even if the refs were a bumbling, stumbling mess, who were as easily knocked out as anyone in the movies. So, in my continued effort to use the 4x5 through increasingly more inadequate means, I shot a bunch of pictu...